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St Saviour’s and St Olave’s is proud to be a Church of England school and in the best tradition of that heritage we celebrate many key events in the Christian Calendar.


Each year we celebrate Harvest with huge support from the students, parents and staff who donate and bring in gifts of food and drink. Everyone is encouraged to bring in at least one item to school. The food is then collected by local charities such as the Manna Centre who can use them to help those in need in our community.


The whole school walks to Southwark Cathedral for this annual Carol Service. This is a joyous occasion which bases itself loosely around the traditional lessons and carols service, with a theme chosen by the school. Recent themes have included ‘gifts’, ‘angels’ and ‘love’. Every form are represented in the liturgy with readings, candle processions and incredible music filling the Cathedral in celebration.


In March the school celebrates its birthday and consequently we hold a service of commemoration and thanksgiving. 

In recent years, we have celebrated other notable anniversaries such as that of the King James Bible and the birth of Nathaniel Woodard. Each year we have different themes, chosen to reflect important events or emphases in the school community. These often focus on our diversity, our faith and our opportunities, and are joyful, colourful affairs.

Monthly Eucharists

Once a month we have a voluntary Eucharist in our school chapel, which happens during lunch time. It is a moment for us to gather as a school community, share bread and wine which remind us of Jesus’ body and blood, and celebrate the presence of God with us at the heart of our community. This also creates a moment for us to stop, find some space, and become aware of the things which are really important in our lives, and bring them to God. Everyone in our school community is welcome to join us.

Other Services

Every other year we hold a baptism and confirmation service in our school chapel, which is led by our Bishop. Confirmation is an important step in the life of an Anglican where they declare publically that they are committed to living as a Christian. In preparation, there is a programme to follow over several months where we discuss the Christian faith, reflect on how it relates to our lives, and pray together. The confirmation service is the joyful conclusion of this where friends and family of confirmation candidates are invited to attend. All members of our school community are welcome to consider confirmation. 

Once a year we hold a Whole School Eucharist. From five distribution points around the hall visiting clergy, as well as some staff (past and present), provide blessings, and bread and wine for the students and staff of the school. This is a large operation which brings a huge sense of identity, not just as a specific school, but as part of the wider Anglican community.

In 2011 we also celebrated Nathaniel Woodard’s birthday with a whole school Eucharist. From five distribution points around the hall visiting clergy, as well as some staff (past and present), provided blessings, bread and wine for the students and staff of the school. This was a large operation which brought a huge sense of identity, not just as a specific school, but as part of the wider Woodard community.