SEND Provision
SEND Provision
The SENDCO is responsible for co-ordinating the day-to-day provision of education for students with SEND. This is currently Mrs C Elliott-Janvier
One Assistant Head Mrs A Kouppas has line management responsibility for SEND.
A member of the Governing body has special responsibility for SEND.
Arrangements for co-ordinating educational provision for students with SEND:
We believe all teachers are teachers of special educational needs. We recognise that it is the teacher’s responsibility to meet the needs of all students in their class. By providing quality first teaching through: classroom organisation, teaching materials, teaching style and differentiation; staff create learning environments where all are respected and included.
The needs of students with SEND are discussed with all staff prior to the beginning of each school year. The special needs register is up-dated after student SEND reviews and is constantly under review.
Each department is responsible for its special educational needs provision and there is a named special needs representative in each department who liaises with the SENCO.
Learning Support Assistants work closely with subject teachers.
LSA’s liaise with the SENCO and there are half-termly departmental meetings.
The SENCO also regularly liaises with the learning mentor and the inclusion team.
Admission arrangements
Please see our admissions policy for further information.
- The School Admissions Code of Practice requires children and young people with SEN to be treated fairly. Students with SEND are considered on the basis of the school’s Admissions policy.
- Students with an existing EHCP will follow the Local Authority admissions guidance when considering if St Saviour’s and St Olave’s will be the named school.
- Provision for students with SEND, including those with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), are reviewed on entry and continuity of support is maintained where possible.
Accessibility and Facilities
- There is no special unit on the site.
- The Learning Support Department is situated on the first floor.
- The school aims to meet a range of SEND, including those with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) and Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs, which would be expected to be found in a mainstream school.
- The SENDCO has QTS, OCR Level 5 Diploma in SpLD and holds the NASENCO Qualification.
- Subject teachers host small group or one on one intervention lessons
- Following our successful ‘Building Schools for the Future’ bid we increased overall accessibility by 30%. Due to construction constraints and our Victorian building, with mezzanine floors throughout, we are confident that our accessibility is currently at capacity.
- At present the ground floor area is fully accessible to a wheel chair user and has a disabled toilet and a portable ramp. There is also a disabled parking bay.
- The addition of our new building has enabled greater access across the upper floors.
- 5 refuge points are situated across our first floor and second floor staircases and enable us to act quickly in an emergency and support those who may have difficulty exiting the building in an emergency.
- A lift provides access to the first and second floors.
- The first floor has a disabled toilet. 50% of classrooms on this floor are accessible however the majority of the accessible classrooms are for sixth form teaching only.
- The second floor is 40% accessible but the majority of accessible rooms are used for sixth form teaching.
- No rooms on the third floor are accessible.
- The medical room is regularly used by the School Nurse, Educational Psychologist and the Teacher for the Hearing Impaired. The Speech and Language Therapist uses both the library and the learning support classroom to conduct assessments and lessons.
- The part-time Drama Therapist has an office on the ground floor of the school.
- The Learning Mentor has an office on the second floor of the school.
- The Pastoral Support team shares an office on the ground floor.