Outward Bound Trip - October 2019

Click to see our activities every day
Monday 28th October
Team building with ropes
On site orienteering
Putting kit back into the cage after a gorge scramble
Cocoa last night
Tuesday 29th October
Preparing for a coastal walk
"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it"
"Lovely - we've been throwing stones at the beach, now off to the village for an ice cream"
Climb every mountain
Wednesday 30th October
"So that's how you tie your walking boots up"
"Looking cool in our kit"
Thursday 31st October
Brewing up some hot chocolate in the sand dunes - just the thing for a chilly day
At the foot of the abseiling wall
Day 1 Hopes and Fears
Day 1 What will bring us up and what will drag us down
Lowest point, highest point, how you got there, what will you remember?
"Row,row,row your boat..."
"The lost poetesses circle?"
"Well stone me, we are having a great time!"
"Three (wo)men in a boat"
"This is me taking a leap of faith..."
"...supported by my team on the ground"
Last evening, toasting marshmallows around the camp fire
Friday 1st November
Gorge scrambling
Jog and a dip in the sea
Team Spirit
Ms Francis persuades an Instructor to adopt a weave!