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The Elephant Group

A headteacher-led charity committed to improving fair access to top universities through the power of collaboration between school leaders, universities and wider invested partners.

St Saviour’s and St Olave’s School aims to support those Year 12 and 13 students with the academic potential and aspirations to attend leading universities and access top professions such as law, medicine, engineering or teaching.

Graduates, on average, earn £10k per year more than non-graduates, and those attending the most selective universities earn 40% more. However, at present only 19% of non-selective state school students access these top universities and courses.

Working with a regional collaboration of head teachers in London and top universities including Oxbridge, Exeter and King’s College London, St Saviour’s and St Olave’s School offers the Elephant Access programme to our Y12 students from September 2019 and both Year 12 and 13 from September 2020. Elephant Access provides a range of activities and experiences to support students’ aspirations, attainment and applications to top universities, and ensure our top third students access top third universities at the end of their time with us.

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