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Daily Update on Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Friday 20th March 2020

Dear Parents / Carers

COVID 19 Update

It feels very strange to be saying farewell to our students for an indeterminate period of time today, and whilst we know we will stay in touch virtually, it will not be as anyone expected the school year to progress.  Our year 11 and year 13 students have been particularly impacted by decisions made in the last week and our thoughts and prayers are with them in these uncertain times.  Not only have they lost the opportunity to demonstrate all that they have learned by taking their exams, but their time at our school has been ended much more abruptly than anyone could have ever anticipated.  They are dealing with the shock and uncertainty with a great deal of maturity, and I look forward to the day when we are able to re-open our school fully and can invite them back to plan proper celebrations and farewells to mark the end of year 11 or year 13.

From 3.30pm today school will be closed to students except those who qualify as vulnerable or as the child of a key worker.  The government are asking that all students who are safe to stay at home do so and continue their learning there.  If your daughter has an EHCP or in some other way is considered vulnerable we will have contacted you by phone or by email today.  If you are a key worker please complete the online form on our website

to let us know the details of your role and if your daughter needs to attend school or if she will be safe to stay at home.  Only those students we are expecting will be allowed in on Monday.

We anticipate continued shortages of staff in the next couple of weeks, in addition to commuting difficulties as the transport network is reduced.  To support our remaining staff in making safe journeys to school we will be reducing the school day.  Students who are on the key worker and vulnerable list will be expected to arrive by 9.45am, and will be dismissed at 2.15pm.  There will not be any extra curricular provision.  This is far from our usual provision and will need to be kept under review.  The day will be structured in the same way as it is now, learning time and then a break, more learning and then lunch, more learning and go home.  Lunch will be available but it will not be the usual full range of options.

For the vast majority of our students work has been sent home with them in booklets and on paper.  Work for every year group has been listed on the school website under the curriculum tab, and much more will be communicated by email and via online platforms.  Our librarian has circulated a link which will access free online books, and there is a wealth of resources and activities which are available for free that will occupy, entertain and hopefully inspire you and your children as you work and learn at home.

For families with children who are eligible for free school meals we will be putting together bags of store cupboard staples for students to bring home.  Some of the goods are being delivered early next week so we anticipate inviting students in to collect those in the middle of next week.  We will communicate with those families directly when we are ready to give them out.  

Some students have not been able to attend school this week and have therefore not received the printed materials that have been sent home.  We will arrange a specific time that work for different year groups can be collected.  Please look out for the notifications if your daughter has been absent this week.

Throughout this closure I will stay in touch, at least once a week via this messaging service.  I wish you and your family well in these most unusual and challenging of circumstances. Please keep yourselves safe, and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.  Please keep us in yours as we do our part to keep London’s essential services going.

With our very best wishes

Catherine May
